Online Scrabble Clone

A while back I started what I thought would be an easy little project for an Online Scrabble Game clone. It’s now completed and launched as Beta. I am calling it Yabble because the other interesting *abble words are quite common on the web. My reason being that instead of bookmarking sites or remembering a URL I often only remember a keyword that will help me rediscover the website. With Yabble it’s easier to get into Google’s top 10 as compared to Dabble or Gabble which return way too many results.

I do not want to get into the design details in this post except to say that the game is written using PHP and AJAX and uses XML files to store game state on the backend. I also used the Prototype JavaScript framework and Leightbox.

I used YUI Compressor to minify the Javascript and CSS and get some code obfuscation as a bonus. If it demands enough attention, I’ll take time out to add more features and refactor some code and design.

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